Saturday, February 14, 2009

eggs and things

The most amazing thing happened yesterday, I found this baby egg. It came from one of the chicklets but I'm not sure which, most likely it was the astrolorp cross as they are the fastest maturing of the breeds I have.

I've also been working on a compost pile, so i cleaned out the coop and dumped 8 wheelbarrow loads into a nice neat pile. Well, it didn't stay neat for long. It didn't stay a pile either. The industrious hens spread it over a 15 foot circle. I wasn't planing on leaving the compost there but since they already spread it for me, I guess it will stay there. So today I added some leaves, ran them thru the shredder to see what they would do. Oh look a pile of leaves. they weren't interested. Well i can fix that, I got a cup of scratch feed and spread it over the leaves. When i left them they were furiously looking for the scratch and of course, turning over all the shredded leaves. Ain't chickens wonderful!

1 comment:

eljee99 said...

eggs and cinnamon bread and shortcake- wow. You ARE busy Grizz.
