Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fall activities

So, things are going slow this fall. Almost no eggs thanks to the girls going on a feather strike. As you can see this girls has given up her feathers for the cause and is slowly growing them back. Of course everyone should know this is a molt and when they molt almost no eggs are produced. Good thing I don't eat eggs everyday!

I started the experimental fall garden, you can see the beans and corn comeing up. I also have some pumpkin and cabbage and broculli and carrots. Potatos soon to get started. I don't know if any crop will be made but I planted anyway. I worry most about the pumpkin as i don't think it will take much of a cold snap. We shall see.

To help compinsate for the molt, the girls get an extra snack in the afternoon. This is corn supplied by some friends and the are hoovering it up. You can also see the size of the babies, they are the white ones that came this spring. They should be laying soon and the egg count will go up, i hope!