Saturday, February 21, 2009

Green House Update

I put the green house film back on today. This time I added screws to the clips to secure them in place. I also cut the door and vent in so maybe there would be less pressure if the wind got inside. It made it thru the day and it was breezy, around 14 mph or so and its still standing. Hopefully this will work and I can get started by starting some seedlings for the spring.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Green House Wreck

Disaster struck today! After all the hard work yesterday of putting on the green house film, a wind storm did it in. When i returned today from the co-op, the film was on the ground. I was not happy! It looks like the film, under pressure from the wind, rotated the plastic clips that were supposed to hold it all in place. Once that started the clips popped off and let the film free. So much for the clips that are rated for a high wind load. The other problem is how slick the film is. This let the clips easily rotate. So, as soon as the wind lays, in a few days, I will try again. This time when I'm done I will run in some self tapping screws that will prevent the clips from rotating. I how this will fix the problem.

On a lighter note, i collected 25 eggs from the very hard working hens. A new record for the daily count.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Green house nears completion

After much procrastination and gnashing of teeth i tackled the green house film today. It was going easy enough when the wind kicked up and blow it all off the pipe. Ginger decided that was a good time to find another place to nap and promptly moved across the yard. I got the film back on and then finished the top. It is surprisingly stable once all the film is on and anchored to the pipe. I used plumbers tape to secure the frame to the anchores which should hold up as well as the film does to higher wind gusts. We will see. Now, to finish the door and add a bench which i will do in the next few days and I will start the seeds for the spring garden. Fun fun

Saturday, February 14, 2009

eggs and things

The most amazing thing happened yesterday, I found this baby egg. It came from one of the chicklets but I'm not sure which, most likely it was the astrolorp cross as they are the fastest maturing of the breeds I have.

I've also been working on a compost pile, so i cleaned out the coop and dumped 8 wheelbarrow loads into a nice neat pile. Well, it didn't stay neat for long. It didn't stay a pile either. The industrious hens spread it over a 15 foot circle. I wasn't planing on leaving the compost there but since they already spread it for me, I guess it will stay there. So today I added some leaves, ran them thru the shredder to see what they would do. Oh look a pile of leaves. they weren't interested. Well i can fix that, I got a cup of scratch feed and spread it over the leaves. When i left them they were furiously looking for the scratch and of course, turning over all the shredded leaves. Ain't chickens wonderful!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


We hit a mile stone today. 20 eggs. The hens have been busy and as you can see, there are all colours. Most of them are large with a few mediums thrown in. Also pictured is some Cinnamon bread made fresh for the coop meeting tomorrow and some shortcake.

I'm having a real problem with the shortcake. It seems, every time I put some in a bowl and add some strawberries, it disappears. Just vanishes into thin air. I will have to keep making more until i discover who it is taking the shortcake. Hmm, maybe Ginger is doing it, I dunno.