Wednesday, August 5, 2009

all new again

This little guy is a few days old and was hatched by the same mommy that raised all the post office babies. Another new chickens fun fun.

A garden update: everything drowned. We had 28 inches of rain in 5 weeks and the garden did not like it. Even the peach trees died, they couldn't handle that much rain. So, I'm preparing to start over for the fall.

On a side note: it rained bees today. It seems, one hive swarmed and settled in a small pine tree. I hit the pine tree with the tractor, completely by accident, and bees rained from the sky. For a few minuets is was exciting. I tried to get them out of the tree by hitting the branch they were on, no go. I cut the limb off, it pivoted on the last piece of bark and the entire swarm hit me in the side, woohoo. they moved then to another tree. this time with a friends help, i got the ladder under the swarm and set the hive body on the top. Then I pulled the limb over the box and shook the bees into the box. I left it there for a while to see if i had the queen or if they would move again. It seems after a few hours they were content to stay in the box and I moved it to the row of hives. That makes 4 hives now, fun fun fun.

1 comment:

Galadriel said...

Aw, man, I'm sorry to hear about the garden. I had to give up on mine about mid-June (couldn't manage out in the heat--I've been too sick) so it's now an overgrown weed patch, too thick to walk through, up to my chest.

Good luck next time.

Love the chickie photo. Your bee story made my skin crawl!