Thursday, April 30, 2009

everything new

OK big update today and some of the pics may be hard to see but I will explain whats in them. This one is the melon patch, you can see the melons on the left, there's also some potato's and okra in there. The okra is just now coming up.

This is the corn patch, I will soon plant some beans in with the corn to help provide nitrogen.

This is the potato and cabbage patch. The potato's are just breaking the ground on the right so you cant see em. The stuff in the middle is cabbage and broccoli and on the left is onions and carrots.

And last but not least is the amazing mommie. When everyone else wanted nothing to do with the Babbie's, she stepped in and said. I can watch em all! So, she's not the mommie of 23 Babbie's and very proud of it also. Amazing!

1 comment:

Galadriel said...

That's a great photo of the hen and chicks. Nice to hear one of the hens adopted the bunch! Aww.

My lettuce and spinach have been providing me salads for a couple weeks, and my squash just started producing. Hubby doesn't eat squash, so I have to figure out how to use all the squash from three plants... turns out the dogs think it's a great treat when I have a little left over, which is great, since I can't buy them dog treats (some have allergies). Whoohoo!

My tomatoes and cucumbers are flowering. I am sooo looking forward to those tomatoes and cucumbers :)