Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter Harvest

I took a small harvest of veggies to the co-op this week. It doesn't look like much but the veggies and the eggs payed the bill for the fruit i got. So the garden work has paid off a bit.

Soon the green house will be done, I'm waiting for a day with calm winds to put the plastic on and then i can start getting ready for spring. The plan so far is for potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, corn, onions and beans.

Just in case your not familiar with veggies, that's purple potatoes on the left, yes that's right there purple all the way thru, carrots, very good fresh out of the ground and rutabaga which didn't do so well.

1 comment:

Galadriel said...

Can I ask you what co-op buys your produce? My next door neighbor was considering selling organic, but was discouraged by the cost of getting the farm certified organic. I wonder if a co-op might be an easier way. (We're also in N FL.)