Saturday, November 29, 2008

Outside babies

The babies are doing well. Mommy hen has been looking after them with much fan fair and has enlisted the aid of her chicken friend in the chick keeping duties. One of the babies is a bit weak and spindly but seems to get stronger every day, we will have to see how this goes.
It looks like two of the chicklets are Buckeyes and the other two are Giant and Astrolorp crosses. As you can see from the picture, they are much bigger and the same age. It will be interesting to see how they develop.
Looks like the Giants will be leaving soon. There is a young man that wants to use them for a FFA project and his parents are getting them for Christmas, so there will be more room in the coops. Hmmmm, maybe time for more chicklets.
this picture was on the second day the mommy hen took them outside. She keeps them moving all day. At the end of the day when everyone goes inside, the chicklets don't even bother to eat, they crawl into the nest and crash. They must be tired.

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